Explore the Green Realm of Magical Realism
PANGU ECOLAND was once a beautiful paradise rich with natural resources, vibrant scenery, and happy villagers. However, where this is good, evil almost always follows. The power of greed has resulted in a destructive invasion by ruthless pillagers and robots, turning PANGU ECOLAND into total chaos.
Mining and extraction of natural resources have destroyed the habitat of the villagers and have become a major threat to their livelihood, but they will not yield without a fight. A heroic saviour is desperately needed to salvage the once perfect world. Join us on this quest to save PANGU ECOLAND while discovering the real world inspirations and messages behind this action-packed experience, exclusively on The Sandbox!
Explore the Green Realm of Magical Realism.

Collaborations With NGOs
In collaboration with brand aligned NGOs, missions are designed into the PANGU ECOLAND experience to convey important messages regarding wildlife conservation. Players will be prompted to complete missions to save animals in-game, while learning about the importance of our preventative actions in real life. The following esteemed NGOs are featured in PANGU ECOLAND:

The Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation is at the forefront of addressing a pressing issue in animal conservation. As the demand for "pet reptiles" continues to surge, the self-breeding and smuggling of these creatures have reached alarming proportions. These reptiles are all too often confined to plastic boxes during their transportation, with dire consequences that disrupt their lives and habitats, endangering their very existence.
The Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society fights tirelessly against the devastating toll exacted upon dolphins each year, as they fall victim to the deadly consequences of abandoned fishing nets and the pernicious effects of seawater pollution.

PANGU ECOLAND will persist in its commitment to champion environmental sustainability and eco-friendly living through ongoing partnerships with pertinent NGOs.

PANGU ECOLAND transcends the boundaries of the metaverse. It is an intellectual property (IP), featuring a series of artistic creations, wholeheartedly dedicated to the cause of conservation, aiming to creatively extend its reach far and wide across a diverse array of online and offline platforms.

We welcome partners to join forces with us, and together breathe life into a vision the world should share – a green, sustainable paradise.