Asia's First LGBTQ+ Metaverse

About PANtopia

一同響應 #ProudTogether
Join #ProudTogether with us
PANtopia 平等幻境 一個多元落地的理想境地。玩家們來到這個世界後,驚豔於這個世界的美麗,卻也因為他們的到來,讓世界變得有點不同,為了避免影響烏托邦的平靜,玩家隨著世界的指示,沿路蒐集著碎片,同時也在世界中了解到不同角色的生命故事,並決定幫助他們完成各自不同的心願。
PANtopia - an Equality Fantasyland, is a diverse utopia where players, upon entering this world, are awed by its beauty. However, their arrival brings about some changes to the world. To maintain the tranquility of this utopia, players follow the world's guidance, collecting fragments along the way. They also delve into the life stories of different characters within the world and decide to assist them in fulfilling their various desires.
PANtopia 起源 - Concept
PANtopia 名字取自 PAN-「泛」不設限之意,及Utopia烏托邦。我們的目標是創造一個多元的理想境地,在這裡每個人都能選擇最自在的認同、驕傲的展現最真實的情感。PANtopia是亞洲第一個LGBTQ+元宇宙遊戲體驗,全球用戶皆可免費在The Sandbox上註冊遊玩。
The name PANtopia is derived from PAN, signifying "pan," meaning limitless, and Utopia. Our goal is to create an ideal place of diversity where everyone can choose their most comfortable identity and proudly express their true emotions. PANtopia is Asia's first LGBTQ+ metaverse gaming experience, and users from around the world can register and play for free on The Sandbox.

合作夥伴 Our Partners

PANtopia Milestones

Game Quest Completion
2023 Taiwan Pride Exposure
Social Media Impressions
Measurable Offline Interactions

2023 PANtopia
M2O2O 回顧 Highlights
我們相信透過遊戲的方式,能讓 LGBTQ+ 倡議推向新的方向,也接觸到全新的Web 3群眾。您只需要一台 Windows 或 Mac電腦,無需準備任何VR頭戴裝置即可免費遊玩。
We believe that through gaming, we can propel LGBTQ+ advocacy in new directions and connect with new audiences in the Web 3 community. Only a Windows or Mac computer is required to experience this free to play game - VR equipment is not required.

PANtopia X Durex
品牌聯名 Collaboration
PANtopia與Durex攜手於18萬人上街的台灣同志遊行彩虹市集、遊行花車共同響應驕傲月,並推出「Proud of Our Ways」聯名禮包及社群媒體活動。在PANtopia元宇宙中,Durex更有自己品牌的客製化區位,展示全新的互動形式的平權支持行動並推廣品牌。
PANtopia and Durex joined forces at the 2023 Taiwan Pride Parade, where an estimated 180K attendees were exposed to an always-on LED truck, brand booths, and thousands of co-branded giveaways, including exclusive collaborative gift package “Proud of Our Ways”. Various online-driven initiatives were also executed to support the build up to the event, resulting in heightened awareness of the collaboration.
PANtopia also provided Durex with a unique space – the metaverse – to showcase voxelized products and larger-than-life props, supporting their marketing efforts via innovative usage of new tech.
Abrazo, Wonderbar, Taboo, Taihu
線下優惠 Offline Discounts
During the PANtopia launch period, players could simply take screenshots of the virtual store in the game to redeem real-world benefits, such as buy one get one free beverages. (Event has concluded)


常見問題 FAQ
How can I enter PANtopia? Is it free?
您可以參考此篇文章完成The Sandbox註冊,並到活動頁面點選,即可免費遊玩。別忘了截圖您所路過的酒吧,即可換購實體優惠唷!
Yes, it's free. You can read through this tutorial to complete The Sandbox registration. Don't forget to take screenshots of the bars you passed by to redeem your rewards.
註冊The Sandbox是否需要實名KYC驗證或是綁定虛擬錢包?
Do I need to complete The Sandbox KYC and link my virtual wallet?
若您僅是加入遊戲體驗、截圖內容、進來逛逛,只需完成The Sandbox註冊即可體驗。若您對於The Sandbox其他的遊戲體驗及NFT獎勵有興趣,您才需要進行KYC實名驗證以及綁定虛擬錢包
If you're only joining the game for the experience, taking screenshots, or just exploring, you only need to complete the registration on The Sandbox to start your experience. If you're interested in other game experiences within The Sandbox and NFT rewards, then you'll need to undergo KYC (Know Your Customer) identity verification and link a virtual wallet.。
What device do I need to access PANtopia
您只需要一台windows 或mac電腦,無需準備任何VR頭戴裝置即可遊玩。目前行動裝置(手機、平板)尚不支援。
You only need a Windows or Mac computer to play, and you don't need to prepare any VR headsets. Currently, mobile devices (phones and tablets) are not supported.

JOIN Our Community
(PANtopia PASS)
加入玩家社群 領取專屬優惠

Provide a brand-new communication channel for LGBTQ equality awareness, connecting with Web 3 and younger generations.
為 LGBTQ 平等意識提供全新的溝通渠道,連接 Web 3 和年輕一代。
Provide a meaningful and fun-filled LGBTQ XP to equip the general public with correct information and values of the community.
Provide brands with a more contemporary, international and accessible platform to support LGBTQ movement.
Proud to the Moon
2023 October
M2O2O Special Event anchors around the launch of Pantopia TSB XP. We will invite LGBTQ-friendly Brands, Influencers, Partners and Communities to join us.
XP will include engaging game experiences, offline activations and educational components to increase general public's awareness and support of the community
M2O2O (Metaverse to Online to Offline)
活動圍繞 Pantopia 在The Sandbox 遊戲體驗。 我們將邀請對 LGBTQ 友好的品牌、KOL、NGO合作夥伴和社群加入我們。
XP 將包括引人入勝的遊戲體驗、線下活動和教育內容,以提高公眾對LGBTQ族群的認識和支持。
We aim at bringing the Pantopia Experience to other countries, such as Australia, Thailand and Singapore, leveraging the highly popular Pride events there.
We will also launch a 360 immersive metaverse experience, including fashion shows, art exhibitions, NFT drops and concerts.
我們的目標是將 PANtopia 體驗帶到其他國家,例如澳洲、泰國和新加坡,配合當地非常受歡迎的遊行。
我們還將推出 360 度沉浸式元宇宙體驗,包括時裝秀、藝術展覽、NFT 和音樂會。
Pantopia III will delve deeper into the bigger philosophical concepts of humanity, naturality, and mindfulness. We have the ambition to explore IP conversion into comics, animation, lifestyle brands, surrealism art, and contemporary art techniques.
Pantopia 將更深入地探討人性、自然和正念等更寬廣的哲學概念。 我們有企圖心將IP轉化為漫畫、動畫和生活方式品牌,結合超現實主義藝術和當代藝術媒材。

We welcome international LGBTQ-friendly brands, NGOs, and Influencers to join us.
我們歡迎同志友善企業、NGO、KOL 一同參與,共創友善平等。