We are thrilled to make an official announcement about one of our most significant projects called “HERSTORY.” We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with Smobler Studios, one of the most talented metaverse agencies in Singapore. Together, we will conduct workshops throughout the year of 2023 in five countries, namely Hong Kong, Brunei, Singapore, Thailand, and Taiwan, with a primary focus on empowering young women in web 3.
We will soon release a timeline for each workshop in the following month. We look forward to a day when we can move closer to achieving equal rights, breaking gender stereotypes in the industry, and encouraging everyone to be bold enough to follow their heart.
我們很高興能正式宣布我們與新加坡Smobler合作的年度專案一“HERSTORY”。Smobler 是新加坡最有才華的 metaverse 代理商之一。 我們將在 2023 年全年在五個國家(即香港、汶萊、新加坡、泰國和台灣)共同舉辦針對女性的 web 3 工作坊。我們相信彼此的合作,能為Web 3及The Sandbox用戶們帶來正面影響力,並給青少年女性更多對於科技領域的熱忱。
我們將會在近期發布活動的時間表。 我們期待有一天,我們可以更接近於實現平等權利,打破行業中的性別刻板印象,並鼓勵每個人都勇敢地追隨自己內心喜歡的事。 https://l.linklyhq.com/l/1hTe0